Connect your business details, offers and promotions to thousands of relevant local mobile customers.

Merchant Sign Up
Kellogg Community Credit Union is a free mobile marketing service provided by Kellogg Community Credit Union. Authorized local merchants can easily create & post mobile coupons & promotions directly into the Kellogg Community Credit Union mobile application and reach thousands of relevant mobile customers in your market. In only takes a few minutes to get set up!



RedPaint Rewards by Glacier Hills
RedPaint Rewards by Glacier Hills
RedPaint Rewards by Glacier Hills

Digital Punch Card

Customers earn points that can be redeemed for rewards.

Merchant Feedback

Customers can directly contact merchants over private mobile communication.


See instant insights to customers metrics and identify new customers.

Push Campaigns

Engage customers instantly and directly.

Location Checkin

Loyalty program that rewards customer checkin at your location.


Allow customers to create a viral message and share to earn rewards.

Social Media

Provide access to all your social media accounts from one app.